Learn how to send SMS notifications in Laravel 12 using Fast2SMS and Twilio. This guide covers API setup, configuration, and implementation for seamless SMS delivery.
Sending SMS notifications is crucial for applications that require user authentication, OTP verification, or transactional messaging. Laravel 12 provides robust support for integrating SMS gateways like Fast2SMS and Twilio. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to integrate and send SMS using both providers.
Before getting started, ensure you have the following:
- Laravel 12 installed on your system
- Composer installed
- Fast2SMS API key
- Twilio account with SID, Auth Token, and a Twilio phone number
- Basic knowledge of Laravel framework
Step 1: Install Laravel 12
If you haven’t installed Laravel 12 yet, use the following command:
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel smsapp
Navigate to the project directory:
cd smsapp
Step 2: Set Up Fast2SMS in Laravel 12
Get Fast2SMS API Key
- Sign up at Fast2SMS.
- Generate an API key from the dashboard.
Configure Fast2SMS in Laravel
Edit your .env
file to store the Fast2SMS credentials:
Create SMS Service for Fast2SMS
Inside the Laravel project, create a service class:
namespace App\Services;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
class Fast2SmsService {
public function sendSms($message, $phoneNumber) {
$response = Http::withHeaders([
'authorization' => env('FAST2SMS_API_KEY'),
'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
])->post('', [
'route' => 'v3',
'message' => $message,
'language' => 'english',
'numbers' => $phoneNumber
return $response->json();
Use Fast2SMS Service in Controller
Modify the SmsController.php
to send an SMS:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Services\Fast2SmsService;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class SmsController extends Controller {
protected $smsService;
public function __construct(Fast2SmsService $smsService) {
$this->smsService = $smsService;
public function send(Request $request) {
$message = "Hello, this is a test message from Techliphant";
$phoneNumber = $request->phone;
$response = $this->smsService->sendSms($message, $phoneNumber);
return response()->json($response);
Define Route for Sending SMS
Add the following route in routes/web.php
use App\Http\Controllers\SmsController;
Route::post('/send-sms', [SmsController::class, 'send']);
Step 3: Set Up Twilio in Laravel 12
Get Twilio Credentials
- Sign up at Twilio.
- Get your Account SID, Auth Token, and Twilio Phone Number.
Install Twilio SDK
Run the following command:
composer require twilio/sdk
Configure Twilio in Laravel
Update your .env
file with the Twilio credentials:
Create Twilio SMS Service
Create a new service class:
namespace App\Services;
use Twilio\Rest\Client;
class TwilioSmsService {
public function sendSms($message, $recipientNumber) {
$sid = env('TWILIO_SID');
$token = env('TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN');
$from = env('TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER');
$twilio = new Client($sid, $token);
return $twilio->messages->create($recipientNumber, [
'from' => $from,
'body' => $message
Use Twilio Service in Controller
Modify SmsController.php
to integrate Twilio:
use App\Services\TwilioSmsService;
class SmsController extends Controller {
protected $twilioService;
public function __construct(TwilioSmsService $twilioService) {
$this->twilioService = $twilioService;
public function sendTwilioSms(Request $request) {
$message = "Hello from Twilio!";
$phoneNumber = $request->phone;
$response = $this->twilioService->sendSms($message, $phoneNumber);
return response()->json($response);
Define Route for Sending SMS with Twilio
Add the following route:
Route::post('/send-twilio-sms', [SmsController::class, 'sendTwilioSms']);
Step 4: Testing SMS Sending
Use Postman or cURL to test sending an SMS.
For Fast2SMS:
curl -X POST -d "phone=9876543210"
For Twilio:
curl -X POST -d "phone=+11234567890"

Integrating SMS functionality in Laravel 12 is straightforward using Fast2SMS and Twilio. This tutorial covered the setup, configuration, and implementation for both services. Depending on your requirements, you can choose the provider that best suits your needs.
Need Expert Help?
For professional assistance with Laravel development and SMS integration, contact Techliphant.